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I’m interested in understanding the core insights that underpin design research and innovation. I curate interventions that understand and communicate what lies at the core of an idea to enable connection and value exchange.


At the root of what I do is a belief in creative connections, between the human and more-than-human world. I use material literacy, collaboration, and making to design programmes, commission projects and curate spaces that facilitate learning and connection. 


I believe that innovations in materials and design are central to global sustainable futures. I specialise in working across social and environmental sustainability at the intersection of design, ecology and culture. 




An immersive multi-disciplinary interrogation of the narrative materiality of mushrooms through contemporary design and craft practices, collaboration, research, and storytelling - Mycota engages all the senses with the embodied potential and capacities of the fungal kingdom.

Filed under:
learning, ecology, sustainabilty

Including works and collaborations by Julia Schwarz, Harry Smithson, Merle Bergers, Suzette Bousema, The Scottish Fungi Dye Group, Liene Kazake, Rūta Irbīte, Planet Fungi, Sion Parkinson, Ninela Ivanova, Sebastian Cox, Chido Govera, Giuliana Furci, Martin Powell and Attila Fodi.

Curated by Material Connections and The Mushroom Magazine.
Funded by the Arts Council National Lottery Fund.

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