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I’m interested in understanding the core insights that underpin design research and innovation. I curate interventions that understand and communicate what lies at the core of an idea to enable connection and value exchange.


At the root of what I do is a belief in creative connections, between the human and more-than-human world. I use material literacy, collaboration, and making to design programmes, commission projects and curate spaces that facilitate learning and connection. 


I believe that innovations in materials and design are central to global sustainable futures. I specialise in working across social and environmental sustainability at the intersection of design, ecology and culture. 




An exhibtion and workshop series focusing on the connection between making and human engagement. Material Connections investigated how design uses materials and craft to contribute to discussion on cultural, social, and environmental sustainability.

Including works and collaborations by Billie Van Katwijk, Cecily Ophelia, Harry Smithson, Merle Bergers, Samak Bilab Bi Delo, Sarmite Polakova and ISHKAR.

Funded by the Arts Council National Lottery Fund. 

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